Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1st February Update

Thanks for checking in on us.  I need to get in the habit of blogging more again now that we are back in the land of better internet.

Joel has been at work since February 1st at Texas Tech Health Science Center.  He is going through orientation and worked yesterday at a free clinic.  We got his office decorated a bit.  We had more than enough to put on the walls since we are used to decorating not only his office but also several exam rooms, as well!

The kids are all enjoying their schools/programs.  Well, Colt enjoys certain aspects (social) better than others.  :)  The girls are getting to know some other kids their ages here while they are at their pre-schools.  Abigail attends five mornings a week while Annaleigh goes three mornings a week.  There is one day when they stay some into the afternoon, as well.  Abigail gets even more excited on the day she gets to eat lunch at school!

We have been enjoying attending Trinity Fellowship for church on Sundays.  Pastor Jimmy Evans has been giving some great sermons, as always.

It is snowing today, but this is Amarillo.  School must go on!  There were already a few inches accumulated early this morning.  We will see how much more is added by this afternoon.

Colt is enjoying baseball practice.  He is on a team with his school.  I plan to look into gymnastics (maybe Annaleigh, the climber) and ballet (maybe Abigail) before long.

We continue to get settled here in Amarillo.  Thank you for your continued prayers as we seek the Lord for many decisions as they are put before us.